Week 2 - HR

This module is relevant for HR personnel. The guides below are available for other functions as well. However, we think that it is beneficial to group all HR related guides together. There are 10 guides available to help you understand how to create and edit new employees followed by a full analysis on Expenses and Leave module. Please follow the sequence of guides as provided below.

1 Dashboard Different views and graphs of Dashboard 15'
2 Employees Add and edit employees and qualifications 10'
3 Employees Add time off allowance and other API fields for users 20'
4 Employees Filter employees views 5'
5 Expenses Add new expense 7'
6 Expenses Sequence of steps for approving an expense 10'
7 Expenses Allocation of expenses to projects 10'
8 Expenses How to import and export expenses 20'
9 Expenses Filtering of expenses 7'
10 Leave Create a new leave request 7'
11 Leave Edit an existing leave 7'

TOTAL 118'
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