Add new expense

This guide will show you how to add expenses to Kompass.


  • Go to "Expenses", then click "Create":

  • Fill out the form and click "Save" once complete


Date [required] Date the expense has occurred. This is not the date of submitting the expense.
Description [required] Description of the expense (i.e. fuel, cables, tolls, spray paint etc.)
Amount [required] Amount of expense.
Payment Method [required] Payment methods can be defined by your organization (i.e. cash, credit card, cheque etc.)
Supplier Supplier of the expense. To add new suppliers, please review the How To guide, Suppliers, Create a new supplier. Depending on your permissions, you might not be able to add a supplier.
Employee User who is claiming the expense.
Notes Any additional details.
Tags Any tags attached to the expense which can be used for filtering and searching.
Attach Files Attach a softcopy of the expense. You can attach any filetype files.
Allocations, Project [required] Project under which the expense will be allocated.
Allocations, Proposal Item [required depending on permission] Upon selection of project, a relevant proposal item will have to be selected. Users with no managerial permissions, will have to populate a Task.
Allocations, Task [required depending on permission]  Managers do not have to populate this field since they have already selected proposal item. However, normal users will have to select a Task.
Allocations, Type [required] Type of expense (i.e. stationary, IT items, consumables etc.) Types can be defined by your organization.
Allocations, Amount [required] Amount allocated to the selected project-proposal item.
Allocations, Percent Percent of the amount allocated to the selected project-proposal item.
Allocations, Notes Allows user to add notes for each project allocation.

You cannot submit an expense without adding at least one project allocation. This How-To Guide Allocation of expenses to projects will show you how to add them so that you will proceed with submission.

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