Sequence of steps for approving an expense

An expense can go through five stages:

  • Create: the expense is recorded and saved. Allocations may or may not have been added.
  • Submit: once all information are added (including allocations covering the entire amount of the expense), user can submit the expense for further checking.
  • Check: a submitted expense can be then checked by user's manager or project manager. Those managers could mark the expense as either checked or rejected. Upon rejection, the user will have to review manager's notes and amend their expense after submitting again.
  • Approve: a checked expense will be forwarded to the finance team for the final check. In case of approval, they can mark it as such. In case of rejection, expense will be forwarded back to the user for further amendments.
  • Reject: as already seen above, an expense can be rejected either after submission or after check. This stage can be permanent where an expense is not being approved, or temporary allowing users to provide further information on their expense so that it could get approved.

Going through those stages on Kompass, is a linear process as outlined in the graph above. There is the option of leaving a comment on each stage.

Initially, an expense needs to be submitted. Once submission notes are added, click "Submit". (notes are not required)

Kompass will take you back to the main expenses page. By clicking back to the expense, the options on top of the screen have changed to "Check" (a) and "Reject" (b).

The manager that can check the expense, can do so. By clicking "Check", another window will appear allowing users to add notes. Once done, click "Check".

Once again, Kompass will take you back to the main expenses page. Clicking back to the expense, there are different options at the top of the screen.

Final step would be to either approve or reject the expense. By clicking "Approve", there is the option once again to add notes.

Once an expense is approved, it is marked as such in the expenses list.

Users can reject an expense after submission and after check. An expense cannot be rejected once approved. Once an expense is rejected, click "Edit". Note that you can see all the notes from employees who processed that expensive.

Depending on your permissions, you could be able to edit a fully approved expense by clicking the "Unlock" button.

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