Add time off allowance and other API fields for new users

When creating a new user in your organization, some options can only be set through the API. The Time Off Allowance is one such field that must be set through the API. The fields that can only be populated via the API are listed below. To edit these fields, go to the 'Users' section and select the desired user.

  • Allowances: This information is crucial and must be added for every new employee, except external users who do not earn time off. To add an allowance, scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Add another Allowance'.

A new record will appear where you will need to populate the following fields:

    • Start: the date when the allowance takes effect. For instance, if an employee accrues Time Off 6 months after their start date, set the date 6 months after their start date. If they start accruing from day 1, set their start date
    • Days: number of days accrued per year.
    • Hours: number of hours accrued per year.
    • Category: currently only "Annual Leave Allowance" is available.
    • Type: Can be set as "Accrual" if days/ hours accrue throughout the year or "Lump One-off" for one-off allowances like bonuses.

Click "Save" when ready. To add more allowances, click "Save and continue editing".

Some companies have multiple allowances for employees. In these cases, all allowances must be added when the employee starts. An example of multiple records added for an employee can be seen below.

  • API Admin Access: Relevant for certain managers, API admin and Kompass Champions in your organization. It will enable users to log in to the API.

  • Title: Midway down the page, there is a field for adding titles of qualifications such as MSc, MBA, MRICS, FIG etc.

  • Home Phone: You also have the option to add a home phone for your employees though the API.

  • Address line1, Address line2, Address town, Address state, Address postal code, Address country, Location: Finally, there are options for setting employees' addresses and their contractual work location. If not set, the office location will be used. This is useful for organizations who might want to calculate the distance between employees' addresses and offices. These details are exported in the Timesheets and Employees exports.

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