Add and edit employees and qualifications

You can create new employees in your Kompass account if your account has the necessary permissions to do so. Go to "Employees" page and click "Create".

Fill out the form and click "Save".

First Name [Required] First name of employee.
Last Name [Required] Last name of employee.
Email [Required] Email account. (Kompass cannot create an account without an email address)
Position Position of the employee in the organization.
Department [Required] Department the employee is assigned to. If the employee does not belong to a department, an Internal department can be created.
Line Manager Line manager of the employee. If there is no line manager set, then the user is classed as top-level management. Line manager is a useful field for approval of worked hours, vacation approval etc.
Cell Phone Cell phone of employee.
Office Phone Office phone of employee.
Office Phone Extension Office phone extension if available.
Main Org[Required] The main org the employee will be assigned to.
Orgs [Required] The orgs the employee should have access to. Relevant if your organization has more than one offices assigned (i.e. UK office and US office).
Schedule Days Relevant for direct labour. Employees with selected days, will show available on schedule if there are no tasks assigned under their names. Management and indirect labour usually have no days selected.
Start Date [Required] Start date of employee.
End Date End date of employee in case of termination of contracts. The employee will not have access to Kompass after that date.
Kompass Permission Groups [Required] Kompass permission groups are set by your organization and define the permission each employee has on accessing Kompass.
Photo A photo of the employee can be added so that other employees are getting familiar with other members of the organization.
Signature A signature of the employee can be added. Relevant for employees who are issuing documentation that requires their signature. (sales, quality control etc)
External User Relevant for users like contractors. They normally have no access on Kompass and they are not listed in the employee list. However, they are available on the schedule to allow managers to assign them tasks. For them to be available on the schedule, they must have scheduled days set (see above).

If you need to edit an employee, click their name.

Click "Edit" and when ready, click "Save". Notice that on that screen, you can add qualifications (2).

Click "Create" and populate the form:

Qualifications that are about to expire, will turn amber in the employees page. Qualifications that are expired, will turn red in the employee page. In case the qualification is expired for more than 30 days, it will disappear from employees page.

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