Different views and graphs of the dashboard
Kompass offers numerous views and graphs in the dashboard, all of which are dependent on your permission. In its most basic view, the dashboard will provide information on today's and the upcoming seven days' tasks. You can access the tasks by clicking them.
- The following can be found in the full details view.
- A quick overview of the several key performance indicators (KPI's):
- Enquiries over the last 4 weeks. This is the total amount of enquiries received over the last 4 weeks.
- Orders in the last 4 weeks. This is the total quoted amount that have been accepted and turned into projects.
- Hitrate over the last 4 weeks. Accepted quotes/ proposals as percentage of accepted and abandoned quotes/ proposals over the last 4 weeks.
Billable Hours over the last 4 weeks. Total recorded billable hours from employees. Non-billable hours like training, internal tasks, leave etc. are not included.
- Proposals to Submit. A list of all pending enquiries that still need to be submitted to the client. These are limited to proposals in which you are set as the estimator. This will only appear if you have pending enquiries.
Proposals to Chase. A list of all proposals that have been submitted to the client and a decision is pending. A proposal in this state will be eventually either abandoned and moved to the "Lost" section of Kompass or will be accepted and moved to the "Won" section and converted to a Project.
Bars Graph. Total number of opportunities per month per department. A line graph also shows a 6-month moving average. The graph can be quickly sliced by the drop-down menu located at the top of the graph:
- Proposals/ Quotes are all proposals/ quotes that have been submitted in that month.
- Open Proposals are proposals/ quotes that have been submitted to clients and are still open. A proposal submitted in September but not decided until December, will appear under open proposals still in October and November.
- Won Proposals are the proposals that have been accepted in that month.
- Lost Proposals are the proposals that have been abandoned in that month.
- Completed Projects shows price of all completed projects.
- Invoices shows the value of all invoices raised per month.
- Invoices (Billing End) shows the value of all invoices raised in the billing month. For further details, please check the article: Create an Invoice and Review its Valuations.
Payments (allocated) shows the values of all payments per month.
- A quick overview of the several key performance indicators (KPI's):
There are numerous ways to present the graphs, see How-to Guides, Dashboard, Filtering graphs and setting preferred visualisation.
- Hitrate. Accepted quotes/ proposals as percentage of accepted and abandoned quotes/ proposals in the past and running month. The screenshot below includes data from June 2023. At that stage, there was one project won and none quoted therefore, the hit rate was 100%.
On-time Delivery. Percentage of projects that have been submitted on or before their set deadline.
As we will see on this article How-to Guides, Dashboard, Filtering graphs and setting preferred visualisation, we can filter those two graphs by either count or value. If so, those graphs will appear different. An abandoned project of zero value will produce different percentage when seen under Value (nill) or under Count (one project). Similarly, on-time delivery will be different if all on-time delivered projects are of $100 rather than $1,000,000. When viewed under Count, their value will not be considered.
Billable Hours. Total number of billable hours per month per department. This includes any hours that have not been recorded against non-billable Projects, Services, or Tasks. The graph shows the utilization rate when hovering over a bar. Kompass sums up all available billable working hours of your organization based on the number of employees and their working hours. Any available hours that have not been booked against a project, show as an empty box. The utilization rate is the percentage of the theoretical number of billable hours by the recorded worked hours. This shows the capacity of your team, helping you determine whether you need to take on more projects or hire additional staff.
There are numerous ways to present the graphs, see How-to Guides, Dashboard, Filtering graphs and setting preferred visualisation.
Organisations. A list of organisations by order amount for the selected time period (default: 12 months)
- Time Off Requests. All open leave requests from your managed employees. You can either deny or approve the annual leave by clicking the record.
Time Off. Any booked leave time throughout the organisation by day of the week and for the current and next week. A white cell means available, a blue cell means on leave, and a half blue cell means half-day leave.
If you don't see the Views above, contact your company Kompass administrator.
- Compare last month's value of quotes open and won and lost opportunities for Department L. You might want to introduce the following rates: Quoted/Open KPI, Won/Lost KPI, Won/All Opportunities KPI. What do these rates suggest for Department L?
- What is the purpose of the line in the billable hours graph?
- You access your Dashboard and see that the on-time delivery graph for the past 2 months is 50%. What does that mean? Who would you most likely contact to address this?
- You access your Dashboard and see that the hit rate graph for the past 2 months is 0%. What does that mean? Who would you most likely contact to address this?
- What is the difference between the Quote to Submit and the Quote to Chase lists?
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