Filter graphs and set preferred visualisations

Kompass offers numerous views and graphs in the dashboard that are dependent on your permission. 

In total, there are three methods used to filter and set preferred visualisation for your dashboard.

a Settings (top-right) Entire dashboard and its data. Generic filters and visualisations
b Graph dropdown. Graph: Bar graph. Quickly slicing values depending on selection
c Graphs settings cog. Graph: Opportunities, Hitrate, On-time delivery, Billable hours. Change the view of a particular graph

a. The Settings cog in the top-right corner will filter all information on the dashboard, including the top four KPI's (inquiries, orders, hit rate, billable hours)

    • Months: Defines the filtering period. You can pick from 6, 12, 18, 24, or 36 months.
    • Type: Either Values for price value of quotes & projects or Count for number of quotes & projects.
    • Project Categories: Filter by the category set in quotes & projects 
    • Departments: Departments set on Quote Items.
    • Services: Services set on Quote Items.
    • Estimators: Estimators set on Quotes & Projects.
    • Managers: Project Managers set on Projects.

b. Graph dropdown menus can only be found on the Bars graph. This will slice between projects:

    • Proposals/ Quotes are all inquiries in that month that have been requested by clients.
    • Open Proposals are proposals/ quptes that have been submitted to clients but have not been abandoned/ accepted. These carry over from one month to the next if they are still open.
    • Won Proposals are the proposals that have been accepted in that month.
    • Lost Proposals are the proposals that have been abandoned in that month.
    • Completed Projects shows price of all completed projects.
    • Invoices shows the value of all invoices raised per month.
    • Invoices (Billing End) shows the value of all invoices raised in the billing month. For further details, please read this article: Create an Invoice and Review its Valuations.
    • Payments (allocated) shows the values of all payments per month

c. Graph settings cogs will change the visualisation of the graphs. There are two types of pop-up windows, one for bar graphs and the other for line graphs:

    • Line graphs are relevant for On-time Delivery and Hit rate graphs. You have the option to further separate the generic line by set slicers (services, departments, project categories, estimators, managers). 

    • This offers further insightful graphs that will diversify per slicer. See the below examples before and after applying the slicer. On the left, the hit rate graph shows the generic hit rate. On the right, hit rate is separated by department. In this example, you can quickly see that Department A (green) has been consistently returning the strongest hit rate while Department K (yellow) has been struggling during the last months.

    • Bar graphs are relevant for Opportunities and Billable Hours graphs. You have the option to change how the bars are separated by set slicers (services, departments, project categories, estimators, managers). Note that Department is the default value. 

    • Bar colours and widths will change depending on the separator. The Tooltip shows relevant metadata. Some examples are shown below, where on the left you can see opportunities separated by Estimators. Here, Matthew Bell won the most quotes in October 2022 with 946,525 and his progress can be viewed by the colour coded bars. On the right, opportunities are separated by Departments, where Department Digital Engineering won the most projects in October 2022 with 375,383. Their progress can be viewed by the colour coded bars.

If you don't see the Views above, contact your company Kompass administrator.

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