How can I unlock locked proposal items?
Description of the issue
Following some changes on your projects, you might have to edit or remove acceptance date from some previously accepted proposal items. You will normally select those proposal items, click "Actions" and "Set Accepted" to remove acceptance.
To fully review the steps for accepting a proposal item, see How To Guides, Proposals and Projects, Various actions with proposal items.
However, it could be somehow frequent that after selecting an accepted proposal item, the option to Set Accepted, is greyed out.
Additionally, as you can see next to the proposal item ID, there is a padlock. Should you hover over the padlock, a tooltip will appear that shows why the acceptance cannot be removed from the proposal item. This shows when certain entries are linked with the proposal item. As can be seen in the image below, there are tasks, invoices, expenses and status linked to the proposal item.
First steps
The very first step that must be done is to define which entries need your attention. To do so, you will have to hover over the padlock icon found next to the proposal item ID. If there is no padlock but still you are unable to remove acceptance, please contact Kompass helpdesk.
How to address the issue
- Tasks: usually these are the first items to be created. Head to Operations page (1). Then, you will have to select the tasks (2), click "Actions" (3), and delete them (4). If there are hours recorded against that task, a padlock will signal that you cannot delete the task. (x)
- Hours: If there are hours recorded against the task, you will not be able to delete the task and subsequently the proposal item. However, you can change the proposal item linked to the worked hours so that you will not have them deleted. To change and/ or delete the recorded hours, review the How To Guide, Diary, Edit diary entry of your employees.
Important: Never change hours of your employees without prior contacting your manager. Changing hours can create inconsistencies between Kompass and already exported reports like WIP analysis, project performance reports, profit & loss reports etc.
- Status: Status updates are not as clear cut as tasks and hours. To reset a status update, you will have to set it to zero percent or zero rates for lump sum and rate proposal items respectively. All status updates must be set to zero, not just the latest one. Therefore, you will have to manually edit all status updates throughout the project's duration.
In case there are multiple status updates for long-standing projects, please contact Kompass BMS team
Important: You must not change any status updates without prior informing your manager. Status updates are constantly used from our customers to monitor and manage the valuations of their projects. Reports are exporting all those status updates to prepare WIP analysis, project performance reports, profit & loss reports etc. Any change on past status updates will create inconsistencies.
- Invoices: You will either have to change the proposal item that has been allocated to the invoice or delete the entire invoice to release the proposal item. To delete an invoice, select the invoice. Then click "Edit" and "Delete".
To change a proposal item, head to the invoice and in the invoice allocations area and allocate the amount to other proposal items. For example, if you want to release proposal item 182795,
you will have to allocate the $2,000 to different proposal items, see below.
Remaining value to be invoiced will change.
Note that if there is a payment allocated to the invoice, you will not be able to edit/ delete the invoice.
Important: Never delete invoices without prior contacting your manager. Changing invoices can create inconsistencies between Kompass and already exported reports like WIP analysis, project performance reports, profit & loss reports etc.
- Payments: To delete a payment follow the steps as described above for invoices but instead, head to Payments module. Select the payment, click "Edit" and then "Delete". As with invoices, instead of deleting a payment, you can allocate the amount to different proposal items by editing it.
Important: Never delete payments without prior contacting your manager. Changing payments can create inconsistencies between Kompass and already exported reports like A/R reports, project performance reports, profit & loss reports etc.
- Expenses: You can head to the expense module, select the expenses you want to delete, click "Actions" and "Delete". Note that you cannot delete an expense that has been approved.
You can also edit an expense to allocate costs to different proposal items.
Important: Check with your manager prior deleting expenses. Employees' payroll can be linked with expenses that have not been fully approved yet.