Check your tasks and record your time worked

This tutorial demonstrates how you can check your scheduled tasks and how to record your working time in the Diary.

Note: Kompass form field labels can be customised for different Kompass instances. Therefore, it is likely that some fields will be named something different in your version of Kompass.


Step 1: Reviewing Scheduled Tasks

  • From the main navigation screen, click the Schedule page (1). Your task schedule will always appear at the top of the page. Task colours are organized by project to clearly distinguish between projects. However, Kompass users can change the colour of a task should they want to. Today's day is marked with a yellow hued row. You can navigate to earlier or later weeks using the arrow at the top right of the page. Also, by clicking the calendar icon, you can quickly navigate to specific dates (2).

For more information regarding filtering of the schedule page, see How-to Guides, Schedule, Filter the View.

Step 2: Checking Task Details

  • You can access additional information about your scheduled tasks either from the Dashboard page or the Schedule page (1). Click the link on your dashboard or the task in schedule that you want to explore (2).

  • The task page will provide information for the specific task.

For more information regarding the Tasks page, see Reference, Tasks.

Step 3: Checking Project Details

  • On the task page, you can click the project link that will take you to each project's page.

  • The project page has three areas

1. Project's ID/Name

2. Tabs

3. Details (this section changes according to the tab selected)

For more information regarding the Tasks page, see Reference, Tasks.

Step 4: Recording Time Worked

Note: Kompass recording of time worked can be customized for different Kompass instances. It is likely that some fields are not available in your version of Kompass. Below you will find all possible fields that can be included

There are two broad options for recording time worked. If you record hours worked by setting the start and end time, read Step 4a. If you record hours worked by setting the total amount of hours, read Step 4b.

Step 4a: Recording Time Worked (Using Start and End Time)

In Kompass, you have the ability to record your start and end time.

Ensure you have picked the correct date and populate the start and end time by clicking on the field. Upon clicking, a clock will appear to assist you with recording your hours, or you can enter it manually in the text field. If the project and task are already planned on your schedule, they will appear at your timesheet (3). If not, select the project and task you have worked on. Make sure you add any details associated with the task (4). Kompass will not allow you to save the entry until you will type at least 5 characters of text in the details box. Once complete, the "Save" button will be activated.

If you have more than one assigned task for a given day, make sure there are no time overlaps between tasks. 

If you fill in hours between two tasks with an overlap of hours, Kompass will send a warning and will not record the hours until the overlap has been corrected.

Step 4b: Recording Total Amount of Hours Worked (Using Total Time)

In Kompass, you have the ability to record total working hours.

Make sure you add any details associated with the task (3). Kompass will not allow you to save the entry until you will type at least 5 characters of text in the details box. Once complete, the "Save" button will be activated.

Step 4c: Further Details Recorded

  • Depending on your Kompass version, you might be able to add travelling time (2) and/or break periods (1). For both fields, populate the number of minutes. You can record breaks of up to 180 minutes (3 hours), while for travelling you can record up to 480 minutes (8 hours).

  • Kompass will colour-code the days depending on how many hours you have recorded. If you recorded the number of hours and the number is around your contractual hours of work, Kompass will mark the day as green. If you have recorded too few hours, Kompass will mark the day as red to alert you that you might have forgotten to record all your working hours for that day. Additionally, the total recorded hours for a day the running week and month, are shown under the date divider.

  • You have the ability to change your project (1) and task (2) from the drop-down menus. Tasks will be filtered to the selected Project. Additionally, you can create a brand-new entry by clicking "Create" (3).

  • In the "Add Diary Entry" form, compete the following fields:

    The date of the diary entry (1), the hours worked/start and end time (2), the project (3) and task worked on (4), and the details of your task (5). Depending on your Kompass version, you might be able to include Breaks (6) and Travel time (7) as well. Notice that you cannot fill in a Task without selecting a Project first.

Step 5: Checking and Editing your Time Worked

  • If for any reason you need to edit an entry, click "Edit" (1). Note that if an entry has been locked by a Project Manager, it will need to be unlocked by the Project Manager before you can edit the entry (2).

    Upon completing your edits, click "Save".

Step 6: Mark tasks as done

In case you have numerous tasks assigned under your name on a day, Kompass allows you to mark those that you have completed. You can simply click "MARK DONE" (1) in the relevant tasks. You can undo completion by clicking the "X" button (2). 

In case you want to hide the completed tasks from your schedule, untick the "Show done tasks".


This provided a full run through the process of checking the details of your projects and tasks and correctly recording your working hours.

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