Filter the schedule view

Go to the "Schedule" view and click the filter icon next to the search bar (2). 

From the Settings form, you can carry out the following filtering actions:

  • Total days: This allows you to change the period reviewed on the schedule from 3 days up to 6 weeks.

Note: The schedule will be shrunk and expanded to fit your browser window. However, it will only shrink to a level that is still readable. Therefore, after a certain point (depending on your screen resolution), a horizontal slide bar will appear at the bottom of the page to allow for easy navigation.

  • Start Calendar on: This sets the start day for the Calendar.
  • Sort tasks by: In case there are more than one tasks under a user, you can sort their sequence of appearance either by duration (tasks with longer duration will appear on top) or by name (tasks are sorted in alphabetical order). Name sorting can allow you to sort tasks by urgency depending on their name i.e. urgent tasks can be prefixed with "1." and always appear on top. The image below shows the difference between those two options. Task names appear under the project name (bold text) and are underlined in the second image.

  • Show only operations staff: This option will filter out any non operations staff like managers, directors etc. who are not required to have tasks scheduled for them. This makes the reviewing of the schedule more compact and relevant for operation schedule.
  • Filter Sets: Are you frequently using the same filters for your schedule? Save them as filter sets. See Reference, Filter Sets.
  • Departments: Filters the data by department. You can select more than one through the drop-down menu. You can also click "inverse" to exclude the selected departments.

Note: The filter will show:

  1. All employees who belong to the selected departments regardless of whether they are working on the selected department's projects.
  2. All employees who are working on the selected department's projects regardless of whether they belong to the selected departments.
  • Services: Filter by services. You can select more than one through the drop-down menu. You can also click "inverse" to exclude the selected services. This filter will return all projects on selected services that have scheduled works.
  • Project Managers: Filter by project managers. You can select more than one through the drop-down menu. This filter will return all projects that the selected project managers are managing and that have scheduled works. 
  • Project Categories: Filter by certain project categories. You can select more than one through the drop-down menu. You can also click "inverse" to exclude the selected sales streams. This filter will return all projects on selected sales streams that have scheduled works.
  • Always Include/ Exclude Users: Explicitly include/ exclude certain users.
  • Search: Search specific projects by text.

You can navigate to earlier or later weeks using the arrow at the top right of the page. Also, by clicking the calendar icon, you can quickly navigate to specific dates.

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