
Tasks are the items that allow planning of certain works under certain employees. They can be accessed from a variety of locations:

From your dashboard or from your schedule:

From the project's page and from your diary:

Task page can be seen below and it will vary depending on your Kompass rights:

Full details page

Lite users page


Project Each Task must be linked with a Quote Item which in turn is linked to a Project. All users
Client The client of the project. All users
Schedule Colour Allows users to decide the colour of the task as shown in the schedule. All users
Name The descriptive name of the task. All users
Proposal Item Each Task must be linked with a Proposal Item that can be seen here. Restricted by permissions
Status Completion percentage of Proposal Item works as set by the Project Manager. Restricted by permissions
Department Department that the Proposal Item is assigned. Restricted by permissions
Hours Planned Planned hours to complete all work on the Proposal Item. Several tasks could be planned for a single Proposal Item. Restricted by permissions
Hours Actual Recorded actual hours from employees against the Proposal Item. It will include hours recorded in all Tasks linked with the Proposal Item and not just the Task you are viewing. Restricted by permissions
Hours Used Percentage of actual worked hours over planned hours. Restricted by permissions
Start Planned start date of task. All users
End Planned end date of task. All users
Type Type of works. Usually defined as field, office, internal etc. All users
Days Planned The amount of person days planned to complete the task.  All users
Hours Planned The amount of person hours planned to complete the task. All users
Show at Weekend If ticked, the task will appear during the weekends as well. If not ticked, tasks during weekends are greyed out. All users
Details Task details to assist employees undertake the task.  All users
Closed Date this task has been closed. Employees will not be able to record their timesheets under this task after the closed date. All users
Tags Tags can be attached to Proposal Items. They can then be filtered by tags.  All users
Team The employees who are scheduled for the particular task.  All users
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