Welcome to Kompass

Kompass BMS is the ultimate management system, built by surveyors, for surveyors. Ever wonder where your projects are headed, what tasks need tackling, or where those past projects are hiding? Kompass has got you covered.

Need to track your hours, submit time off, or manage expenses? No problem. Kompass makes it a breeze.

Ready to dive in? In this article, we'll show you how to navigate Kompass with ease and make the most of every feature. Let’s get started.

Table of Contents


Finding today and future tasks in the dashboard

Find out more about the Dashboard page here: Dashboard.

Tasks Page

Finding details of your scheduled tasks

Find out more about the Tasks page here: Tasks.

Project Page

Progress and Address of scheduled project
Project map with all projects pinned
Operation and Files information

Find out more about the Project page here: Project.


Recording of your timesheets

Find out more about the Timesheets page here: Timesheets.

Schedule Page

Tasks Page of the Schedule
Equipment view of Schedule

Find out more about the Schedule page here: Schedule.

All Projects' Page

Review all Projects of your organization
Find all sites on a map

Find out more about the Schedule page here: Projects' Page.

Expenses Page

Find all your expenses
Record a new expense

Find out more about the Expenses page here: Expenses.

Time Off

Check your time off records and allowance
Recording a new time off request

Find out more about the Time Off page here: Time Off.


Find out more about the Employees page here: Employees.

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