Why are there hidden hours in my projects?

Description of the issue

Even though you do have permissions to view financial information of projects, occasionally you come across a "Hidden Hours" message in the "Operations" tab of the project.

First steps

Kompass allows a precise allocation of permissions to its users. If you cannot see those hours, that is because you have no permissions to do so.

How to address the issue

Normally, you should have in your Kompass account a permission group called "Managers". If you assign this group to the user that needs to read all timesheets, they will normally be able to see those hours.

Find more details on how to change Kompass permission groups in this article: How to Guides, Employees, Add and Edit Employees and Qualifications.

In case there is no such permission group or there is one but you still cannot see the hours, you will have to add certain permissions to the relevant group. Your Kompass Champion would be able to do that for you. The permission than should be selected is "projects | project | Can view hours of a project".

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