The Seven Onboarding Pillars

Welcome to our Onboarding Pillars!

This article is aiming to provide further clarity and information about the onboarding process described in the 7 pillars below.

1. Boundaries of our onboarding process

The on-boarding process will deal with the implementation of Kompass BMS across your organization. That will include importing legacy information and an extensive learning program for relevant stakeholders. The implementation manager in your organization will need to decide who should be included in the program and the Kompass BMS team will tailor the program accordingly.

2. Objectives of the onboarding

The objective of the onboarding process is to equip all selected stakeholders with the needed knowledge, skills, and experience to use Kompass BMS and its functionalities.

3. Required support from your organization

The Kompass BMS team will have both essential and desirable support tasks during the onboarding process. Your support will assist the Kompass BMS team to better understand the context of your organization and ensure a smoother and more efficient implementation.


  • A “Kompass Champion” to be the central driver of the implementation on your side. 
  • Commitment to the implementation of Kompass BMS.
  • Sharing any needed legacy data.
  • Sufficient time to allow a professional implementation.
  • Commitment of “Kompass Champion” and relevant stakeholders to proceed with implementation.
  • Allocate time on a weekly base for on-line and/or on-site meetings.
  • Allocate time for testing and exploring Kompass BMS in between meetings.
  • Transparency about problems with the implementation as they happen.


  • “Kompass Champion” to meet with all employees and onboard them.
  • Access to your server to link with Kompass BMS.
  • The top management of organization to personally get involved in the project.
  • Providing feedback during the implementation and beyond.

4. Our role

Our role is to offer you a comprehensive and enjoyable program of training and learning activities. These can be fully tailored to your needs and operations.

5. The service we will deliver

The on-boarding process will deliver three core modules:

  • Understanding your organization and how Kompass fits into your business processes.
  • Legacy data import.
  • Kompass core training.

There are several optional modules that are available if/ when required:

  • Equipment, Fleet, and its management within Kompass.
  • Time Off and further analysis in Excel and/or Power BI.
  • Employees’ page and qualifications: an HR perspective.
  • Visualization and analysis of project performance data in Excel and/or Power BI.
  • Implementation across the organization: Change management consultation.

All modules can be found on this article: An assessment of Core and Optional modules.

6. Time Schedule

We can immediately start with the onboarding process of Kompass to your organization. Fully adopting Kompass in your organization is mainly determined by your needs. However, we are aiming for 6 weeks max for fully adopting across your organization. From our experience, we have identified that the legacy data import module is the most time-consuming and can delay full adoption.

The diagram below shows the sequence of modules. Legacy data and Understanding your organization are the first modules to start in parallel. Kompass Implementation and Training can commence shortly after Understanding your organization. As seen below, some optional modules can be carried out in parallel with Kompass Implementation and Training, some will need to follow while the optional module Implementation across the organization would be the last module. 

You can find further information about our core and optional modules in this article: An assessment of Core and Optional modules.

7. Feedback

We would love to hear back from you on any given opportunity that will allow us to further understand your needs and help you achieve your goals as soon as possible. Apart from the request for feedback during our sessions, about six months after the implementation is completed, we will contact you for feedback on the impact that Kompass BMS had in your organization.

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