An assessment of Core and Optional modules
Core Modules
- Understanding your organization.
A module carried out at the beginning of onboarding. This module has normally a fixed timeframe and it will be completed within a week.
This will be a brief demonstration on how your organization is currently operating to Kompass BMS team. This will allow us creating a link with your existing system. Ultimately our goal would be to relate elements of Kompass BMS with your current practice so that we will enable a quicker, easier, and more intuitive adaptation.
- Legacy Data.
A module carried out at the beginning of onboarding. This module will be heavily relying on the structure and health of legacy data. This module tends to be the most time-consuming. We will be able to assist and advice in the process but the populating and cleansing of data will need to be addressed by your team.
- Kompass implementation and training.
A core and required module carried out once some of the legacy information has been imported. This module will be completed within three weeks. However, we can always alter our plans should that be deemed necessary.
Optional modules
- Equipment, Fleet, and its management within Kompass.
Through the module we are exploring how Kompass can assist with your equipment and fleet management. The module lasts an hour.
- Employees’ page and Qualifications: an HR perspective.
All organizations will use the employees’ page to setup their users however, its use will vary. With this module we will explore how you can record qualifications, export, and further analyze data such as growth based on headcount, growth by department/ job title, retention rates etc. The module lasts 1.5 hours.
- Time off and further analysis in Excel and/or Power BI.
In case your organization is recording time off for its employees, this page will provide all necessary information for the recording, and management of time offs. A further analysis of time offs can be performed with the use of other software (Excel, Power BI). The module lasts 1.5 hours.
- Visualization and analysis or project performance data in Excel and/or Power BI.
There are numerous Excel files and tools to assist you further analyzing and visualizing your Kompass data. This module lasts two hours.
- Implementation across the organization: Change management consultation.
Kompass BMS team has extensive experience on implementing such change initiatives. We can provide a training schedule and assist your organization understanding and tackling the most common hurdles. The context of your organization will also play pivotal role during this module, and we will be asking several questions to attempt to suggest the most appropriate implementation method. This module lasts one hour.