Review different schedule views

  • By default, the schedule will show all employees with scheduled tasks on a weekly basis. However, there are three more schedules available to assist operations. Go to the "Schedule" page and click "Tasks." A dropdown menu will then allow you to switch to Schedule, Equipment, Available, and Leave views.
    • The Tasks schedule is the default view as seen below

    • The equipment view will show all employees with equipment assigned to them.

    • The Available view will only show employees who have a gap in their schedule and are available for assigned tasks. Even if there is just one day that isn’t booked, employees will appear in this view.

    • The Leave view will only show the leave tabs next to employees. It will not filter out any employees, but it will offer a quicker and cleaner view of all employees with booked leave.

You have the option to only show operations employees in your schedule. For more details, see How-to Guides, Schedule, Filter the view.

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