Finance/ Operations_Project Performance Review

Intro: An overall review of company's performance on a monthly base. Allows you to evaluate worked hours, status updates, invoiced amounts and WIP.

In Kompass: Kompass stores several data for each project and each proposal item. However, they can be viewed by accessing individual projects and it is somehow challenging to have a quick overview all all your projects. This file (commonly abbreviated as PPR) will combine all those data.

File Needed: Project Performance Report (PPR) can be exported directly from Kompass, page "Projects", "Actions", "Project Performance Report.xlsx". Please contact our helpdesk if it's not available in your account. 

Uploading method: Should you make any updates of your data into Kompass, you will need to export the file again.

The File: All tabs offer the same values in different slicing fields for each project, manager, and department, as seen in the screenshot below.

  • Each Project can be expanded to all its proposal items (rows 6-23). However, fields can be collapsed and provide information by a single manager/ department (rows 3-5 and 24-).
  • Any status notes added on Kompass will appear in the Status Note column. The file will only show the latest status update of the exported period.
  • Valuations column returns any valuation recorded in the exported period. Valuations are recorded via the status update
  • Invoices column returns any invoiced amounts in the period. You can decide whether you will use the invoice date or the billing invoice date as your reference.
  • WIP column returns the difference of valuation less the invoiced amount.
  • Hours column returns the number of hours recorded. Cells will mark up hours that have been recorded but there is no valuation added. Also, it will mark cases where there is valuation with no recorded hours.
  • Value per worked hour column returns the value per recorded hours. A conditional formatting will mark the most and least profitable proposal items.

Slicers can be used to limit the viewed information. They work exactly the same as the column filter buttons, but in a more user-friendly way. [Account] and [Price Type] slicers can be used combinedly.

Further analysis: There are several ways of slicing and dicing the information. Whichever column that can be found in the Project Performance .csv exports, can also be used for slicing.

Project Performance Reports can be tailored to your needs. It is easy with our help on adding, changing and removing columns and data from the file.

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