
Projects store the most important information about your projects and operations. In the main view, there is a list of columns with the following information:

ID Unique Kompass ID. That can be changed to a project reference upon request (a reference like 24-0329)
Name Project Name
Organization Project's client
Phase Phase of the project. For Active projects it can show that the project is currently on field, processing, under quality check or ready to be delivered. For Finished projects, it can show whether the project is ready to be invoiced, unpaid or paid.
Status By clicking the status update of the project, you can record the status valuation, either as a percentage of completion for lump sum proposal items or an amount of rates for rate and T&M proposal items.
Price Price of the project
Deadline Deadline of the project
Manager Project manager of the project
Hours (Plan) The amount of budgeted hours for completing the works
Hours (Actual) The hours recorded from your employees. That column is being automatically updated when employees are recording their timesheet.
% Actual worked hours over budgeted. Provides a quick overview of the performance of the project. While read in conjunction with the status update, it helps to monitor whether you are on budget or overrunning.

You can access a project from the Projects page (1) and then select a project (2).

Project details page can be seen below and it will vary depending on your Kompass permissions:

Full overview page

Lite users overview page

Project Tabs:

  • Overview tab: (Tab available to all users) On this tab you will find most relevant information for performing the assigned task
    • Progress Section (Available to all users) Provides a quick view of project's progress.

    • General Section (Available to all users) provides multiple information

1. Project ID, name, category, organization (client), details of the project. Note these are different details than the task ones. These relate to the whole project and not to individual tasks.

2. Address of site and internal notes. Note that you can view the location of the site in multiple websites such as Bing Maps, Google Maps etc.

3. Geographic location of the project and the relevant work area it covers. Note, you can show previous project locations by age. Currently the map is set to show active and finished projects within the last year. By clicking the drop down area at the map legend, you can further adjust the visualisation of projects.

    • Operations section (Available to all users) Provides operations information such as Client representative, deadline, project manager, lead for site/ office/ quality check/ delivery along with fields for adding the date each process has been completed and fields for keeping notes between processes.

    • Proposal section (Available on Full Details only) Provides commercial information about the acceptance/ abandonment of a project. In here you can find details such as the client representative who enquired for the project, the estimator from your organization and their assessment of probability to win the project, the source where the client has approached you, along with further details and the client representative who accepted the proposal. Additionally, you can add, view and edit dates such as the enquiry date, proposal submission deadline, and submission date, expected award date, and acceptance date. Upon confirmation, you can define how the order has been confirmed (contract, purchase order, sales order etc.). In case of abandonment, you can find details at the bottom of the section.

    • Finance section (Available on Full Details only) Not to be confused with finance tab. This section stores general information about the client's invoice contact, the person within the organisation that issued the invoice and record the payment along with relevant dates and notes. These fields are relevant for the very last payment of the project. See further below for details on Finance tab details.

    • Comments section (Available to all users) Allows users to leave comments and attach files. They can also notify their colleagues via email when quoting them in the message (by using @ character)

  • Sales tab: (Tab available on Full Details only) on this tab you will find information about the proposal items of the project.
    • All proposal items are listed here (2). The view includes information about the allocated department of each proposal item, the planned days for site and office works, any possible subcontractor works, the total price, gross margin for each proposal item (if set below the target margin set, text will turn red), details on acceptance and finally the budgeted hours against the actual recorded hours along with the percentage of hours used.

  • Operations tab: (Tab available to all users) on this tab you will find information about the tasks and hours recorded against the project
    • All tasks related to this project can be found here (2)
    • Employees are recording their diary entries against project's tasks. All these diary entries can be found here (3)
    • At the bottom of the page, Status updates are available on Full Details only. (4)

  • Finance tab: (Tab available on Full Details only) Not to be confused with finance section at Overview tab. On this tab you can find details of all invoices raised against the project and its valuations

    • All details of invoices that have been raised against the project can be found here (1). The table will provide information of date, invoice ID, its internal reference, details (if not changed by user, it will store the project name), type (invoice, journal or credit note) and the net amount.
    • All details of payments that have been received for the raised invoices to your client (2).
    • All details of expenses that have been allocated against the project can be also found here (3). Description, date, details of the employee who filed the expense along with its amount and status can be easily reviewed.
    • Valuations section is to be read in conjunction with Invoices section (4). Valuation section will offer a quick overview of Work In Progress (WIP) i.e. any works carried out on the project that could be invoiced. All WIP will be shown by department and nominal account (core/ subcontractor). This section will link various aspects of the financial progress of the project. In the table below, you can find the name of each column, a short description, and an explanation on where you can enter or change this information. 
Department Depending on the department and scope of the proposal item that the project manager is setting its status, Kompass will show figures accordingly. Sales representative. Department and scope are set during pricing and can be viewed on proposal items.
Last Update Occasionally project managers will report the status of their projects in a form of a percentage of completion or number of rates of works under a proposal item. This field shows when the latest update took place. Project manager. For more information on setting project status, see here.
Price Total price per department and nominal account. Sales representative. Price set during pricing and can be viewed and edited on proposal items.
Valuation Percentage of price that can be invoiced based on the status provided by the project manager. Project manager will set the status update and Kompass will show the value of works completed.
Invoiced Amount that has been already invoiced as can be seen in the Invoices section of the same page. Accounting. Whenever a new invoice is being issued, these values are automatically updated to present the up-to-date invoiced amount per department/ nominal account.
WIP Difference between valuation and invoiced. Work in progress amount. Automatically calculated by Kompass. Effectively the amount that can be invoiced to the client.

For further info on how to record project status, see Tutorials, Record Project Status.

  • Files tab: (Tab available to all users) Depending on the setup of your Kompass account, you would be able to download files from your company's server directly to your laptop/ phone. That could be deemed particularly helpful if on field with no necessary documents to work on.
    • Operations section is usually linking with general information available to all employees.
    • Commercial section is usually linking with commercial information available to certain employees like sales representatives, managers and directors.

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