Unit 8 - Equipment

In Unit 8, we will collect information to setup your equipment page. We have two items to consider in this Unit: Categories, and Owners. You can add both categories and owners to the provided spreadsheet "Kompass_Configuration and Business Processes.xlsx".


In Unit 6 we examined the quote item groups and how we can split equipment into groups. Those are relevant for our quote items, but they are not necessarily the defining category for the equipment. For example, certain equipment might not be charged to customers but should be recorded in Kompass so they can be monitored. This list of categories could include items like:

  • Computers
  • Boats
  • Cameras
  • Data Collectors
  • Metrology Probes


This is simply a list of equipment owners. Typically, one of the owners will be your organization. Other owners could include hiring companies, subcontractors, etc.

You’re almost there! Two more units which are HR-driven and the Expenses unit to go!

Unit 9 - Calendars

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