How can I define the proposal and project ID myself?

Some customers are using Kompass's ability to provide a customized ID for their proposals and projects. Usually, it's a combination of the last two numbers of a year, followed by an ID ("24-001"). There are multiple ways to number your proposals and projects. You can use the count of how many of them have been created in a certain year and/or month, add your company's prefixes/suffixes, and much more by using the available fields on your project page.

There are occasions when a customer might need to add some ad-hoc suffixes to their proposals, for example, when they work on the same project in different phases. This is possible, and you are allowed to edit your proposal and project IDs. However, there are two points to keep in mind:

  1. Kompass is counting the proposals/projects created in a certain period of time and uses this number to label them. Therefore, if you have a proposal "24-004" and you'll edit the next one as "24-004_A", then the next ID provided by Kompass will be "24-006" as it'll count the suffixed one as the fifth proposal.
    1. 24-004 (4th project)
    2. 24-004_A (5th project)
    3. 24-006 (6th project)
  2. You need to be extra careful when editing Kompass's IDs. In the example above, if after "24-004" you named the proposal as "24-006" then Kompass will flag an error and it will not accept your next proposal. That is happening because you are naming a proposal with an ID that will be used in the future and it clashes with. Kompass cannot allow two projects with the same ID
    1. 24-004 (4th project)
    2. 24-006 (5th project)
    3. 24-006 (6th project- Clash)

To safeguard you from these errors, please make sure you do not change the numbering of the ID but only add suffixes or prefixes if needed.

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