Merge clients / organizations

When merging clients, all contacts, projects, comments, invoices, payments, and purchase orders will be merged into the target client.

IMPORTANT: The data on the target client (address, category, etc) will not be changed. Therefore, any custom data on the other clients will be lost.

VERY IMPORTANT: Clients will not be merged in SugarCRM/Quickbooks/Sage. This can lead to inconsistencies between these systems and Kompass which might need to be addressed manually.

Kompass allows you to merge two clients / organizations.

Select the clients that need to be merged: (1) select "Merge clients" from the actions drop-down menu, (2) and click "Go". (3) On the following page, select the target client and click "Merge".

In case the duplicate clients have names that cannot be searched and returned on the same page to be selected, you can rename one of them to a similar name so that they will appear under the same page.

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