Why do some employees in my schedule don't have the "available" tab?

You might notice that some of your employees do not have the "available" tab next to their name on the schedule view. For example, Amil Cortez and Anthony Green in the screenshot below:

In Kompass, you can decide whether certain employees should be scheduled under billable tasks or not. For example, in most organizations, management is considered an overhead cost; therefore, there is no need to schedule tasks for them. Amil and Anthony above are classified as managers.

If we select the "Available" schedule view, we will only see employees who need to be scheduled and not employees who are supporting the organization in non-billable tasks.

We can even filter the tasks view to only show operations staff by clicking the filter icon (1), then selecting to only show operations staff (2), and clicking "Activate" (3).

We can determine whether an employee should be part of the operations staff by selecting their scheduled days in their profile.

Note that we can even select a combination of days for employees who may not work for a full week.

Employees with the "available" tab on their schedule will count towards the utilization rate seen in the billable hours on the dashboard.

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