Create tasks from schedule

You can schedule tasks for your employees within the Project pages under the Operations tab. However, there is an easier way to do this using the Schedule page.

  • On the Schedule page (1), click "Add" (2) 

  • In the new window, you can quickly select the Project and Task you want to create.

  • Once you select the Project, Kompass will return all available unscheduled tasks. If tasks are already assigned to employees, they will not appear.

If tasks that are already assigned to employees were available in the list, then users could re-assign them and effectively "break" the existing entries. When there is a need for multiple scheduling of the same task, multiple tasks should be created.

  • Upon Project selection, pick from the available unscheduled tasks.

    • If you select one of the existing unscheduled tasks, Kompass will populate the quote / proposal item (1) in accordance with the selected task. Start and End dates can be added (2), (3) along with the team that will carry out the task (4). Click "Save" once complete.

    • If you decide to create a new task, click "Create New Task". You will need to select the relevant quote / proposal item (2), name the task (1) and define the type of the task (3). The remaining information can be populated as seen above. Click "Save" when ready.

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