How to export invoices

Go to the "Invoices" page. If you have the necessary permissions, you will see an "Actions" dropdown with "Export" and "Export Allocations" option:

  • Export will return a .csv file with one invoice record per row.
  • Export Allocations will return a .csv file with one proposal item allocation per row. Proposal item allocations can be found under each invoice page. Every proposal item allocation that has an amount allocated, will be exported in the .csv. In the example below, the three proposal items with an amount will be exported.

The dialog will then ask you for a start and end date. Only invoices and/or invoice allocations raised during that period will be exported. Kompass will export a csv file to your pre-defined "downloads" folder.

If you don't see the Actions or the Export option, contact your company Kompass administrator.

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