Review list of invoices

We can review several important information in the Invoices page (1).

Buttons on top of the screen (2) will quickly filter the invoices by open (not fully paid yet) and complete (fully paid).

Also, a search bar (3) allows searching for certain invoices.

Additionally, columns in the list below assists on finding relevant entries.

"Type" column takes three different values:

  • Invoice: Any entry with positive amount will be treated as an invoice for a project.
  • Credit Note: Any entry with negative amount will be treated as a credit note.
  • Journal: If the amount is zero, the entry will be treated as a journal.

"Amount (net)" lists the amount of the invoice while "Payment (net)" collects the sum of all payments related to this invoice and present them next to each other.

To get a better understanding on how to create Payment entries, see article Create a Payment.

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