Filter the equipment view

You can filter Kompass to only show certain equipment based on your set filters. Go to the "Equipment" page and click "Filter". 

In the filter list form you can filter by

  • Status: 
    • Active: Equipment that has not reached its end date or does not have a start date set in the future.
    • Inactive: Equipment that has passed its end date or has a start date in the future.
    • All: Show all Equipment
  • Category: This depends on your organization but would normally include vehicles, total station, GNSS antennas, traverse kits, etc.
  • Department: You can assign equipment to departments. Once you filter through this form, Kompass will only return the filtered equipment.
  • Assigned To: Returns kit that are assigned to the employees you select. This could include any possible subcontractors you might have in your schedule.
  • Owner: This could be your organization, hiring companies, other organizations, etc.
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