Edit and update calibration dates

Go to the "Equipment" page. Click the equipment you want to edit and update.

If you have the necessary permissions, you will see an "Edit" button at the top left. Click this to toggle editing.

Update the field "Next Calibration/ MOT." You can also edit any other field. Once complete, click “Save” in the top-right corner.


Field Description
Name [required] Title for the equipment
Category [required] Type of equipment, with categories set by your Kompass Admin.
Owner [required] The owner of the equipment. This could be your organization or the name of a hiring company. This is set up by your Kompass Admin.
Active from [required] Date from which the equipment is available to the company.
Active until Last day when the equipment is available. After this date the equipment will be set as inactive and will not appear on the Schedule anymore (if activated). If left blank, equipment has no last day and will remain on Schedule.
Next Calibration/MOT A date for the next calibration, service, emission check, etc. This date will be used to warn users about upcoming or expired calibrations/service/emission checks.
Serial Number Serial number of the equipment, if any.
Identifier Custom company identifier, such as a vehicle number.
Barcode Barcode of the equipment, if used by the company.
Purchase Order Purchase Order where the costs for this equipment are being tracked.
Department Department this equipment belongs to. If no Department is set, the equipment will appear available for any Department when filtered.
Show on Schedule If enabled, this equipment will appear on the Schedule and can be assigned to persons. If disabled, the equipment will only appear in the equipment list.
Notes Any additional notes
Tags Any tags attached to the equipment which can be used for filtering and searching.
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