Record a diary/ timesheet entry

This guide will demonstrate how to create a Diary Entry to record time worked on a Task. This can be for a Task you have been scheduled for or any other task.

Note: Kompass form field labels can be customised for different Kompass instances. It is likely that some fields will be named differently in your version of Kompass or they might not even exist.


a) Using Start & End times

If your company records Start and End times for an employee's shift, then you will see the page below (Breaks and Travel might not be there depending on the company configuration):

There are five states that a diary could have as seen in the image above:

  1. Submitted Timesheet: An employee has already correctly record their timesheet and details of works.
  2. Rejected Timesheet: An employee has recorded their timesheet but their manager rejected the entry and stated their decision notes.
  3. Draft Timesheet: The timesheet has been recorded but the employee hasn't yet filled in all information (details on this instance are not recorded).
  4. Approved Timesheet: An employee has recorded their timesheet and their manager approved the entry.
  5. Scheduled Timesheet: The task has been scheduled under employee's schedule and it hasn't been yet submitted.

b) Using Hours Only

If your company records only hours, then you will see the page below (Breaks and Travel might not be there depending on the company configuration):

There are five states that a diary could have as seen in the image above:

  1. Submitted Timesheet: An employee has already correctly record their timesheet and details of works.
  2. Rejected Timesheet: An employee has recorded their timesheet but their manager rejected the entry and stated their decision notes.
  3. Draft Timesheet: The timesheet has been recorded but the employee hasn't yet filled in all information (details on this instance are not recorded).
  4. Approved Timesheet: An employee has recorded their timesheet and their manager approved the entry.
  5. Scheduled Timesheet: The task has been scheduled under employee's schedule and it hasn't been yet submitted.

Methods for recording diary entries

Via the list of tasks.

As seen above, marker 5, you can record the time spent and the details of the task in the scheduled task and click "Save" when done.

By using the timer.

Click the "Timer" button (1).

You can click "Save" and start recording your time entry. Kompass will record your location (if allowed) and keep track of the time you started your session.

The timer turned orange indicating that your clocking in has started. When completing your works, click the timer and save your entry. Kompass will automatically calculate the time spent on this task.

By using the "Create" button.

You can create a new timesheet entry and record immediately all the time spent on the task, rather than clocking in and out. Click the "Create" button (1) and fill in all the details.


Name Description
Date Select the date for the Diary Entry.
Start Enter when you started working on this Task or (if enabled) when you started travelling to the location of the Task. Note: If there are more than one Entries recorded on a day and the working hours of the Entries overlap, Kompass will mark it as an error and will not save the Entry. This will ensure that hours are not double booked.
End Enter when you finished working on this Task (if enabled) or when you arrived back at the office or your home after travelling back from the location of the Task. Note: If the End time is before the Start time, then Kompass will assume that the End time is for the next day, e.g., when working a night shift. A label "Next Day" will appear above the End time.
Hours If your company records Start and End Time, this field automatically calculates the hours between the Start and End times. If your company records Hours, you will have to input the exact working hours.
Breaks (if enabled) Record the breaks you took during this Task. If you had more than one break, be sure to add up all individual breaks for a total time.
Travel (if enabled) Record the total travel time to and from the Task location. This is any time you did not work on the Task itself but rather spent travelling. If you had to travel between Task locations during the day, you will have to speak with your manager to instruct you on how to record this.
Project Select the project on which worked. This is pre-filled if a Task has been scheduled for you.
Task Select the Project Task on which worked. This is pre-filled if a Task has been scheduled for you.
Non-billable Record any time spent in works that cannot be billed to the client.
Details [minimum 5 characters] Enter a description of what work you have done on the Task.
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