Finance/ HR_Tenure

Intro: Full analysis of employees tenure using various slicers. It can also calculate revenue per employee for the analysed period.

In Kompass: There are not many options to calculate tenure of employees in Kompass.

File Needed: This file is using an API Token, therefore, there is no need to export any data from Kompass.

Uploading method: API Token

The File: To refresh the file, head to [HOW TO] tab, set the Start and End date of your analysis and click "Refresh Here!" Note that the analysis period cannot be more than a year long.

There are four [Tenure] tabs, for Employees, by Department, by Manager and by Position. Tenure is only for employees employed in your company within the selected period. Employees who left the company prior your selected period, will not appear.

In [Tenure by Name] there is a table calculating the Revenue per Employee. For the calculation to be correct, you will have to define the Period Revenue which can be set in the [HOW TO] tab.

[New Starters per Year] analyses the new starters per year and department.

[Turnover] offers several calculations of turnover.

Further analysis: We can run calculations for full tenure of employees if asked.

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