HR_Annual leave

Intro: Get a full analysis of your employees’ remaining annual leave by department, manager, and employee for a set period. You can also quickly monitor sick leave.

In Kompass: Even though Kompass will store all information in its database, it does not have the option to present this information in a cumulated manner.

File Needed: From page [Leave], Actions, Export. However, this file is using an API Token, therefore, there is no need to export any data from Kompass.

Uploading method: API Token

The File: In the [HOW TO] tab, set the dates of your review. Normally, start date should be the beginning of calendar year. Once you set the dates, click "Refresh Here!".

You have the option to set employees' rates in the [RATES] tab. A separate table in Column E will flag users who have leave booked but no rates added.

The rest of the tabs offer multiple ways of seeing the data. The Remaining Days column show the remaining days of annual leave for each employee.

Further analysis: The file can slice the remaining days by employee, manager, and department

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