Operations_Acceptance Dates
Intro: A file that shows all accepted projects. User can slice them by month of acceptance. Also, it offers a 3D Map that plots all accepted projects by city and/or state. It can also generate a month-by-month tour that shows the evolution by cities and/or states.
It can also provide helpful graphs using certain variables.
The spreadsheet has a timeline slicer that filters accepted projects.
File Needed: Acceptance Dates can be exported directly from Kompass, page "Projects", "Actions", "Acceptance Dates.xlsx". Please contact our helpdesk if it's not available in your account.
Updating method: Should you make any updates of your data into Kompass, you will need to export the file again.
The File: There are three tabs in that spreadsheet, [Kompass Data]; please ignore this sheet. [Tables] tab contains the table that can be sliced by month of acceptance.
[3D Maps] tab shows you how to activate the 3D Map option of Excel and how to navigate and interpret the data.
Further analysis: File also contains the client name. It can be added to the table to further group the data. Additionally, the 3D Map can plot the bars by state or even categorise them by Project Manager.