Add public/ bank holidays

When approaching New Year’s Day (in the Gregorian calendar), you will need to instruct Kompass on which days it should treat as public/bank holidays. This can be done through the API Admin, and Kompass will grey out any days added to the schedule.


  • Go to your API admin page and click the "Holidays" option under the "Calendar" group:

Note: you can add holidays by directly clicking the "+ Add" button above but it is generally a good practise to go into the list of holidays to ensure you are not duplicating records.

  • This will list all existing public/bank holidays already added in your Kompass instance. If your organization has more than one office, make sure you work under the relevant office by using the "Filter" section at the right-hand side. Click the "Add Holiday" button at the top right corner.

  • Pick the appropriate calendar from the drop down menu (1), set the date of the public/ bank holiday (2), add a description (3), and either click "Save" or "Save and add another" to add more days.

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