Power search box

In case you are using Microsoft Outlook, you might have noticed that when searching for emails, you can use some set keywords to narrow down your search. An example can be seen below:

Kompass allows you to use similar keywords for more specific searches. You can use those at Proposals/ Quotes and Projects page. For example, in the search below, we are returning all projects with a price of $500 to $1,000 (1), not in London (2), and limiting to those with a deadline before October 31st 2024.

Some general rules for using those keywords:

  • Add the keyword followed by a colon ":" and then you can add the search word.
  • Do not use a comma to separate your search keywords.
  • The range fields are the ones that can be used like this "[range_field]:[from]-[to]". For example, "price:500-1000". The "from" and "to" values can be left out, for example "price:-1000" will show all projects with price up to 1000 and "price:1000-" will show all projects with price of more than 1000. 
  • Dates have to be in the format YYYYMMDD, for example: "delivered:20230101-20231231" for all delivered projects in year 2023.
  • There is also an extra feature for Dates that allows to always return a specific period of time. Instead of a date as seen above, add the number of days, weeks, months or years before today to return the defined period. Some examples below:
    • quoted:10d- (returns all proposals that have been quoted in the past 10 days.
    • accepted: 2w- (returns all projects that have been accepted in the past 2 weeks.
    • invoiced: 3m- (returns all projects that have been invoiced in the past 3 months.
    • same for years (y)
  • When you are searching for text, if there are spaces, make sure you will put it in quotes. For example: notes:"Brief:Topographical Survey".
  • You can exclude items from your search by adding a minus symbol "-". For example, "-name:almonte" will exclude any results with "almonte" in the name or "-tags:field,caution" will exclude all projects with these tags.

A list of all available keywords along with further details, can be found in the table below:

abandoned_notes details on abandoned reasons overview tab, proposal section
access site access instructions overview tab, operations section
address_line1 address details overview tab, general section
checked_notes quality check notes overview tab, operations section
confirmation_details order confirmation overview tab, proposal section
delivered_notes delivery notes overview tab, operations section
details details of project overview tab, general section
invoiced_notes invoice notes overview tab, finances section
managed_notes project manager notes overview tab, operations section
name name of project overview tab, general section
notes internal notes overview tab, general section
processed_notes office work notes overview tab, operations section
received_notes payment notes overview tab, finances section
source_details source details overview tab, proposal section
surveyed_notes field work notes overview tab, operations section
tags project tags overview tab, general section
Range by date
abandoned abandoned on overview tab, proposal section
accepted proposal first accepted on overview tab, proposal section
checked quality check completed on overview tab, operations section
created proposal created on only accessible by projects/export
deadline deadline overview tab, operations section
delivered delivery completed on overview tab, operations section
invoiced fully invoiced on overview tab, finances section
modified lastly modified on not visible
processed office work completed on overview tab, operations section
quote_deadline proposal submission deadline overview tab, proposal section
quote_decision expected award date overview tab, proposal section
quoted proposal submitted on overview tab, proposal section
received fully paid on overview tab, finances section
requested enquiry on overview tab, proposal section
surveyed field work completed on overview tab, operations section
Range by hours
hours_actual hours actually worked only accessible by projects/export
hours_actual_paid hours actually worked taking also overtimes into account sales tab, proposal items table
hours_budget hours budgeted only accessible by projects/export
hours_budget_paid hours actually worked taking also x1.5 and x2.0 rates into account sales tab, proposal items table
Range by price
price price of project sales tab, proposal items table
Range by percentage
probability probability of winning the project overview tab, proposal section
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