Kompass Feedback

Kompass BMS is a system that has been built by practitioners trying to make more sense of their operating challenges. It is not a system prepared by programmers who might not hold a holistic view of managing small and medium companies. Therefore, Kompass BMS team will always welcome your feedback and facing challenges. It is from this feedback that we are constantly learning how to further improve our customers experience with Kompass.

Even though suggestions were mainly communicated via email and/or meetings with our customers, it was not always clear on whether their requests are planned, being in progress, or even completed. With our feedback page, we are allowing our customers to have a better grasp of all those suggestions. To access the page, follow this link:


You can also access the page by clicking "Feedback" on our support button:

  • In the main page you can see all suggestions that are planned for implementation, those that are in progress and the completed suggestions. Additionally, you can filter by group ("Feature Requests", "Documentation" etc.)

  • You can also click "Give Feedback" on top of the screen.

  • You can find a list of all suggestions on the right. You can filter them by category, status and other factors.

  • You can provide your feedback by populating the "Create a Post" form (1). "Category" is related to the Kompass module more relevant to your suggestion (2). There is a list already in place to assist you. While populating the form, a list of existing suggestions will appear on the right. That will help you ensure that the suggestion is not already placed by a different customer (or even yourself).

  • You can vote all the suggestions you are considering helpful by clicking the up arrow next to the suggestion. The more votes your suggestion take, the higher it ranks on our roadmap!

  • Finally, you can add comments on any suggestion by clicking on them and adding your comment.

Don't forget to occasionally check our Changelog to stay on top with all our great new features.

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