Import expenses

You can import expenses into Kompass with .csv files. Following fields can be used. 

  • Required field must be included in the file. Additionally, each record must have information for required fields.
  • Field names are case sensitive.
  • For all fields with an "_id" suffix, further information is needed. Each such record has an ID for database referencing (i.e. payment_method_id, approved_by_id, supplier_id etc). You will need the list of data along with their ID's to correctly populate the table. Please speak with your Kompass Champion to get these ID's 
Field Description
date [required] Date the expense has occured.
amount [required] Amount of expense.
payment_method_id [required] Payment methods can be defined by your organization (i.e. cash, credit card, cheque etc.)
description Name of the expense (i.e. fuel, cables, tolls, spray paint etc.)
approved Date the expense was approved.
approved_by_id The user ID of the employee who approved the expense.
approved_notes Notes that can be added for an approved expense.
checked Date the expense was checked.
checked_by_id The user ID of the employee who checked the expense.
checked_notes Notes that can be added for a checked expense.
created Date the expense was created.
notes Details of the expense.
rejected Date the expense was rejected.
rejected_by_id The user ID of the employee who rejected the expense.
rejected_notes Notes that can be added for a rejected expense.
submitted Date the expense was submitted.
submitted_by_id The user ID of the employee who submitted the expense.
submitted_notes Notes that can be added for a submitted expense.
supplier_id Supplier's ID related with the expense.
supplier_name Supplier's name related with the expense. If a Supplier with the provided name exists, Kompass will re-use it. If it doesn't exist, Kompass will create a new Supplier.
user_id Employee the expense is allocated to.
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