Import expenses
You can import expenses into Kompass with .csv files. Following fields can be used.
- Required field must be included in the file. Additionally, each record must have information for required fields.
- Field names are case sensitive.
- For all fields with an "_id" suffix, further information is needed. Each such record has an ID for database referencing (i.e. payment_method_id, approved_by_id, supplier_id etc). You will need the list of data along with their ID's to correctly populate the table. Please speak with your Kompass Champion to get these ID's
Field | Description |
date [required] | Date the expense has occured. |
amount [required] | Amount of expense. |
payment_method_id [required] | Payment methods can be defined by your organization (i.e. cash, credit card, cheque etc.) |
description | Name of the expense (i.e. fuel, cables, tolls, spray paint etc.) |
approved | Date the expense was approved. |
approved_by_id | The user ID of the employee who approved the expense. |
approved_notes | Notes that can be added for an approved expense. |
checked | Date the expense was checked. |
checked_by_id | The user ID of the employee who checked the expense. |
checked_notes | Notes that can be added for a checked expense. |
created | Date the expense was created. |
notes | Details of the expense. |
rejected | Date the expense was rejected. |
rejected_by_id | The user ID of the employee who rejected the expense. |
rejected_notes | Notes that can be added for a rejected expense. |
submitted | Date the expense was submitted. |
submitted_by_id | The user ID of the employee who submitted the expense. |
submitted_notes | Notes that can be added for a submitted expense. |
supplier_id | Supplier's ID related with the expense. |
supplier_name | Supplier's name related with the expense. If a Supplier with the provided name exists, Kompass will re-use it. If it doesn't exist, Kompass will create a new Supplier. |
user_id | Employee the expense is allocated to. |